(eu não) falo italiano:
(umas palavras em português do brasil)
Priapo ou Príapo é o deus grego da fertilidade,
filho de Dionísio e Afrodite. Sua imagem é apresentada
como um homem idoso, mostrando um grande órgão
genital (ereto). Priapo era considerado como protector
de rebanhos, produtos hortículas, uvas e abelhas.
Dionísio vindo vitorioso de batalhas nas Índias, foi por Afrodite
ardorosamente recebido e dessa união nasceu Priapo. Hera,
ciumenta de Afrodite, trabalhou para que a criança nascesse
com a sua enorme deformidade (curiosamente ele sempre é
representado com um pênis de tamanho exagerado). Sua mãe
mandou educá-lo nas margens do Helesponto em Lampasaco,
onde por conta de sua libertinagem e desregramento tornou-se
objeto de terror e repulsa. A cidade foi tomada por uma epidemia
e os habitantes viram nisso uma retaliação por não terem dado
atenção ao filho de Afrodite, fizeram rituais e pediram que
ele ficasse entre eles. (@ wikipédia) (imagem @ wikipédia)
(umas palavras em português do brasil)
Priapo ou Príapo é o deus grego da fertilidade,
filho de Dionísio e Afrodite. Sua imagem é apresentada
como um homem idoso, mostrando um grande órgão
genital (ereto). Priapo era considerado como protector
de rebanhos, produtos hortículas, uvas e abelhas.
Dionísio vindo vitorioso de batalhas nas Índias, foi por Afrodite
ardorosamente recebido e dessa união nasceu Priapo. Hera,
ciumenta de Afrodite, trabalhou para que a criança nascesse
com a sua enorme deformidade (curiosamente ele sempre é
representado com um pênis de tamanho exagerado). Sua mãe
mandou educá-lo nas margens do Helesponto em Lampasaco,
onde por conta de sua libertinagem e desregramento tornou-se
objeto de terror e repulsa. A cidade foi tomada por uma epidemia
e os habitantes viram nisso uma retaliação por não terem dado
atenção ao filho de Afrodite, fizeram rituais e pediram que
ele ficasse entre eles. (@ wikipédia) (imagem @ wikipédia)

“Atenta onde pisas: anda de tal modo que não ponhas os pés
sobre as cabeças dos nossos míseros e atormentados irmãos.”
A Divina Comédia (O Inferno)
Dante Alighieri
sobre as cabeças dos nossos míseros e atormentados irmãos.”
A Divina Comédia (O Inferno)
Dante Alighieri

"less but better"
Casa Malaparte (also Villa Malaparte) is a house
on Punta Massullo, on the eastern side of the Isle of Capri,
Italy. It is one of the best examples of Italian modern
and contemporary architecture. The house was conceived
around 1937 by Italian Rationalist architect Adalberto Libera
for Curzio Malaparte.
Casa Malaparte is a red masonry box with reverse pyramidal
stairs leading to the roof patio. On the roof is a freestanding
curving white wall of increasing height. It sits on a dangerous
cliff 32 meters above the sea overlooking the Gulf of Salerno.
Access to this private property is either by foot from the Town
of Capri or by boat and a staircase cut into the cliff.
Casa Malaparte’s interior and exterior (particularly the
rooftop patio) are prominently featured in Jean-Luc Godard’s
1963 film, Contempt (Le Mépris). (@ wikipedia)
Curzio Malaparte (9 June 1898 – 19 July 1957), born
Kurt Erich Suckert, was an Italian journalist, dramatist,
short-story writer, novelist and diplomat. His chosen surname,
which he used from 1925, means “evil/wrong side” and is
a play on Napoleon’s family name “Bonaparte” which means,
in Italian, “good side”. (@ wikipedia)
Casa Malaparte (also Villa Malaparte) is a house
on Punta Massullo, on the eastern side of the Isle of Capri,
Italy. It is one of the best examples of Italian modern
and contemporary architecture. The house was conceived
around 1937 by Italian Rationalist architect Adalberto Libera
for Curzio Malaparte.
Casa Malaparte is a red masonry box with reverse pyramidal
stairs leading to the roof patio. On the roof is a freestanding
curving white wall of increasing height. It sits on a dangerous
cliff 32 meters above the sea overlooking the Gulf of Salerno.
Access to this private property is either by foot from the Town
of Capri or by boat and a staircase cut into the cliff.
Casa Malaparte’s interior and exterior (particularly the
rooftop patio) are prominently featured in Jean-Luc Godard’s
1963 film, Contempt (Le Mépris). (@ wikipedia)
Curzio Malaparte (9 June 1898 – 19 July 1957), born
Kurt Erich Suckert, was an Italian journalist, dramatist,
short-story writer, novelist and diplomat. His chosen surname,
which he used from 1925, means “evil/wrong side” and is
a play on Napoleon’s family name “Bonaparte” which means,
in Italian, “good side”. (@ wikipedia)

"oh! isto é tão contemporâneo"
(Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano detto Bronzino)
(1553 - Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze)
After being daintily covered for almost 300 years
with vines and grapes that were added to obscure
his nakedness, Bronzino’s 16th-century depiction
of the famed dwarf Morgante, jester to the Medici court,
has been stripped by conservators to be displayed
in its full nude glory. Officials from Florence’s Uffizi
museum have unveiled the freshly restored work
and included it in the artist’s first-ever (shockingly)
retrospective in Italy, allowing visitors see what was
once hidden from the public, according to Discovery News.
Known as “The Portrait of the Dwarf Morgante,”
the painting is especially unusual in that it is
a double-sided work, providing views of the plump dwarf,
who was a member of the Medici court, from both
front and back. On the front side he is shown holding
an owl while standing in almost complete frontal-nudity,
his genitals covered only by a moth that happens by.
On the obverse, Bronzino depicted the mustachioed dwarf’s
exposed backside, with the little owl perched on his shoulder.
(According to historians, Morgante was the prized entertainer
of Cosimo I de’ Medici, the grand duke of Tuscany. Art historian
Giorgio Vasari noted that the dwarf was “clever, learned and
very kind, the favorite of our Duke.” Dwarves were typically
treated as property in the Florentine court and “suffered
humiliation and physical violence,” according to art historian
Sefy Hendler, though Cosimo took the unusual step of giving
his jester land and granting him the right to marry.)
(@ www.artinfo.com)
(Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano detto Bronzino)
(1553 - Galleria degli Uffizi - Firenze)
After being daintily covered for almost 300 years
with vines and grapes that were added to obscure
his nakedness, Bronzino’s 16th-century depiction
of the famed dwarf Morgante, jester to the Medici court,
has been stripped by conservators to be displayed
in its full nude glory. Officials from Florence’s Uffizi
museum have unveiled the freshly restored work
and included it in the artist’s first-ever (shockingly)
retrospective in Italy, allowing visitors see what was
once hidden from the public, according to Discovery News.
Known as “The Portrait of the Dwarf Morgante,”
the painting is especially unusual in that it is
a double-sided work, providing views of the plump dwarf,
who was a member of the Medici court, from both
front and back. On the front side he is shown holding
an owl while standing in almost complete frontal-nudity,
his genitals covered only by a moth that happens by.
On the obverse, Bronzino depicted the mustachioed dwarf’s
exposed backside, with the little owl perched on his shoulder.
(According to historians, Morgante was the prized entertainer
of Cosimo I de’ Medici, the grand duke of Tuscany. Art historian
Giorgio Vasari noted that the dwarf was “clever, learned and
very kind, the favorite of our Duke.” Dwarves were typically
treated as property in the Florentine court and “suffered
humiliation and physical violence,” according to art historian
Sefy Hendler, though Cosimo took the unusual step of giving
his jester land and granting him the right to marry.)
(@ www.artinfo.com)

(...) nem há grandes razões para nos admirarmos, já que
o reumatismo, em certas ocasiões, é ainda mais fiável do que
a ciência, (...)
O Homem Sem Qualidades
Robert Musil
o reumatismo, em certas ocasiões, é ainda mais fiável do que
a ciência, (...)
O Homem Sem Qualidades
Robert Musil

"less but better"
(A museum curator once ordered two of these stools
for his son and daughter. “Graduation gifts?” he was asked.
“No,” he said, “the kids are only five and three.
But I want them to have the experience of growing up with
something truly good that they can keep all their lives.”
@ hermanmiller.com)
(A museum curator once ordered two of these stools
for his son and daughter. “Graduation gifts?” he was asked.
“No,” he said, “the kids are only five and three.
But I want them to have the experience of growing up with
something truly good that they can keep all their lives.”
@ hermanmiller.com)

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